Sunday, January 01, 2012


A couple weeks after the McCanns left we had more visitors. My Mom and Dad and Grandma and Grandpa Dougal came.

1. Marcella had a Birthday party with her friends a week before they came. She had a Bug party and had a lot of fun.
2. I started making bread and one morning I came down and saw this. Jon and I both new it was Marcella (she is the one who LOVES the crust on bread and will usually eat that and not the middle) We started teasing he and telling her that a little mouse must have been hungry and eaten some of our bread.
3. Getting ready to start carving pumpkins.
4. Grandpa helping Marcella
5. Our masterpieces. I will let you guess whose is who's.
6. Ward Trunk r treat. Go UTES!
7. Reading books with Deidra
8. Playing games with Grandma
9. Trick or Treating
10. Grandma and Grandpa Dougal
11. Mom and Dad
12. me. I got called to be in the Stake YW's. A little overwhelming, but exciting too.

All in all we had a nice relaxing time with my family here. Jon and Claire got sick, which was no fun. But I enjoyed having them here and I miss them all dearly. Come back anytime. We love you!
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1 comment:

Laurissa said...

That's hilarious about the bread!