Monday, January 16, 2012

Little Claire

 A few weeks ago, Claire and I were playing a game. As we played I had an a-ha moment where I realized she is so grown up. I found myself wishing I could just freeze this moment and keep it in my memory. I wanted to remember how excited she was when it was her turn again.

 I wanted to remember how little her hands are and how much I love it when we hold hands. So soft and little.

 I wanted to keep telling myself, LOOK! She has learned how to play a game, an actual game where you have to take turns and follow directions. She does something daily that is exceeding my expectations (good or bad) of what I thought she would be able to do. 

I love that she is talking more and more everyday. I love her little sentences as she would turn over a card and say, "oh what is it?" and then 8 times out of 10 say what was on the card. I love that she will tell me knock knock jokes and laughs and says"that so funny" I love her "ughs" (hugs) and "isses" (kisses).  The way she dances and screams "WELLA, WELLA ide, ide." (Cella, Cella slide) even if Cella is right next to her and continues until she slides with her. oh my little Claire, I sure love everything about you, thank you for letting me capture these moments with you.


Deidra said...

The first two pictures are particularly awesome! We love that Claire-girl, too!

Caroline said...

You just made me want to buy a plane ticket to Indiana so I can come and see Claire. She is adorable and I miss her!

Laurissa said...

So Sweet!

Katherine Wallin said...

I'll take a ticket to Indiana as well. This makes me miss her and your family.

Gregory said...

I can't believe that it has been less than a year since we came out. She has really grown.