Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Thank You Mom!

Wow what a hard job it is being a mother! I hope that everyone who reads this takes a minute to thank their moms for everything they have done for you. I want to take a minute and thank my mom for all the sleep she lost taking care of me when I was sick, worrying about me, or just waiting for me to come home. You are the greatest ever! Thanks for our long talks and for the fun things we do together. I can't wait until Marcella is old enough to join us in our fun. Thanks for always baby-sitting for us and coming over to see us. It is so much fun having you over. Thanks for being a great listener and for being so understanding. I love you bunches and I hope you have a wonderful day!


Caroline said...

It's amazing how after you have a baby you appreciate your mom more. I feel the same way!

Terry said...

you are more than welcome! It was sad seeing Marcella so miserable last night! Hope she is feeling better today. If you need a break bring her over! Love Mom