Sunday, March 12, 2006

A Day of Rest

Marcella woke up at 6:00 to eat breakfast. I've got a sinus infection and was sooo tired....After I'd fed her I just left her in the bed. She and I slept until started at 9:00.

She decided to take a nap after church, too.

The shutter of the camera eventually woke her up.

She loves peas!!!!


Gregory said...

She looks just like her daddy when she eats. Yeah!

Caroline said...

I love the beard. Solids are so much fun! Owen couldn't get enough. I remember everytime I fed him he would cry in between bites I couldn't feed him fast enough.

Unknown said...

That is so funny I am going to post one of those pictures on my blog I think. Well Lizzy says that the peas are gross but I think that is is prett cool that she eats them. Well I m so excited that you guys are baby sitting us for the week. I love you guys

Laurissa said...

Just don't make the mistake of not feeding her a lot of vegetables once she eats a lot of different foods. It's a lot harder to get them to like them the second time around.

Cute pictures!

Jon said...

We're going to hold off on fruits until she's 1...I read that if you do that they don't get super accustomed to really sweet things and are generally better eaters. I'm not sure how a scientician gauges how good of an eater a child is, but the logic seems sound...we're also looking for a hand baby food grinder. I can only really find them on you guys own any, and where did you get them from? Oh and yeah, Caroline, solids are fun but they do take more time. Any good ideas on where to get a high chair?

Katherine and Rick said...

You two look comfy on Sunday morning. Too bad you have to be sick to relax--Mom