Monday, April 17, 2006

Who ordered the Snow??

So I have been sitting here watching it snow and thinking, I should get out my Christmas decorations. So in light of the snow, i am going to make homemade soup, rolls, and for dessert some hot chocolate and we are watching a movie for our FHE activity. The only sad thing about getting snow is that it is the middle of April! if it was December, it would be perfect to curl up in a blanket, drink some cocoa, and watch a chick flick, but since it is April, you are just bummed that you can't go outside and although you still could have hot Cocoa and watch a movie, it just isn't the same. I guess it is good for Marcella, because she is exhausted. I think from vacation, and running around this weekend. So since it isn't sunny, then I am just letting her sleep. It must be her that was praying for the snow then.... She will get a talkin' to. So I think that I have started to get back into the swing of things. I only have to finish unpacking and clean my room, and I am set for the rest of the week to have some fun. Well, I hope you enjoy these pictures. Have a great day!!


Jon said...

Sounds fun!! I can't wait to get home!

Terry said...

Wow! I can't believe you got that much snow! It's really coming down here but hasn't been sticking to the ground. I've been freezing all day because the heat wasn't on - just turned it on - so cocoa sounds good - maybe I'll have to try out what Jon gave me but I don't want to open it!

Miriam said...

It has snowed about 2 inches here in Provo, and I rode my bike to school today! It should be a fun trip home!