Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Why is it that I always have a million projects to get done and I THINK.. yes, I really believe I will be able to accomplish all of them in the day that I have down listed that I will do them?. Maybe it is because I am an over achiever (just to make it sound more positive) yes, I love to be be busy and get so excited to start a new project, then get burned out half way through.

My new goal this year is to finish what I have started. That doesn't mean I will finish the projects I have been working on forever, but I cannot start something new until I have finished the thing I am working on at the momment. So right now I am currently working on knitting a blanket.

I have gotten pretty far, and I am almost to the burnt out stage, but I will prevail, because sitting on my floor right now are 7 or 8 I can't remember blankets ready to be sewn together and made, they are just calling my name, and I am trying hard to resist. I am on my second ball of yarn out of four that I need to use to finish this blanket and I will do it!! My goal is by the end of next week... but remember I am not an overachiever, so maybe more like the end of two or three weeks, you will see the finished product. So I hope you enjoy the little bit I have done so far.

Here is another project that I successfully finished this year, one that I am super proud of, I just need to get some pictures to put on it and actually hang it on Marcella's wall and we will be set. I hope you all have a great day! I love you!


Caroline said...

That's a great philosophy Kanien! I love the magnent board. We are making those in our ward next month so you'll have to tell me how you made it so cute! I so wish we could do more projects together. I need to start working on my knitting!

Jami said...

What am I going to do without you when I'm in California. I'll never finish anything...:(

Terry said...

It's a dougal inherited trait that you start something and lose interest before it is finished! You can overcome and conquer though and it's okay to have more than one project going at a time so that you can have variety when you are bored with one. Just don't have too many going at the same time or you will become overwhelmed and not finish any! It looks great!

Laurissa said...

It's so cute Kanien! Congrats on finishing it!