Tuesday, November 15, 2005

This weekend Jon and I found the Joys of trying to get a cute family picture taken. Not only was it a bad location, just because it was outside, but it was about 20 degrees tooo cold. That coupled with a little girl who doesn't like to be woken up made for some pretty fun pictures, none of which are worthy for "the Christmas card" But I thought that you would like them just the same.


Terry said...

Cute picture but I think it's funny that Jon is wearing a red sweater and brown shoes and Kanien is wearing a brown blouse with red shoes.

Jon said...

That totally stands out to me now....I didn't even see it before. It's funny how stuff like that can really make/break a photo.

Laurissa said...


I think you guys look good but I think you could get better results by zooming in so it isn't a full-body shot of you and Kanien. Marcella just looks lost in it. If it was just you guys from the waist up she would stand out more.

Good luck!