Monday, November 28, 2005

Marcella in the Hospital

Hi all...Marcella is now at Primary Children's hospital. We'll be there until they find out why she can't gain weight. They didn't do any tests today, so we still don't have much information about her condition. She's still as happy as ever, and smiles at the nurses and doctors. I had a fun chat with a 3rd year medical student about his pediatrics rotation and how things are going...he seemed really nice. One nurse told us that the best case scenario would see us leaving on Wednesday, and worst-case scenario we'll be there until December 7th....but that's just tentative as well. Soo....if you want to get a hold of us, here are the phone numbers:

801-588-4000, room #4329

Well...That's about all I can post right now...We were there for about 7 hours before they actually got us a one really knew what to do with us when we got there...but things are better now. Neither of us is too excited about staying there for this long, but we're glad that there are resources like this for us. If we live during the Days of '47, she'd probably just be labeled as a "sickly child" or something like that..."weak constitution...doesn't eat well" and that would be the end of it. I hope you are all doing well...and your support is much appreciated.

Love you all!!


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