Tuesday, November 22, 2005

"It's an older code, sir, but it checks out."

That's a "Star Wars" Quote...I'm hoping Greg will break out his Star Wars DVDs come Thanksgiving and give us all something to do when we're up partying and having a HUGE feast at Mom and Dad's. I know...I know...it's cruel to post something like that when there are some of you who live out of state, but I'm getting extremely geeked out for this year's Festival of Gluttony. It's one thing to be thankful for stuff, it's another to be gluttonous...for Me Thanksgiving really ushers in the season of gluttony, to which Halloween is just a sweet prelude. There is no other time of year that you can go to the store and buy ice cream, chocolate, potato chips, popcorn, caramel popcorn, cheese popcorn, York Peppermint Snowflakes (A Hershey's product), Reese's Christmas Trees (also made by Caroline and Jeff), Milky Way Reindeer (sorry, this delicacy can't be attributed to Good ol' Milt), Cranberry Soda, hot chocolate...bring it home, eat it all, and not feel the least bit guilty? Only during the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas....It's fast approaching, so prepare yourself!!!

Here's the Man of the Day...Greg. I took this picture umm....October 02, 2005.

So.....Here are some other pictures. Kanien made a comment about how much Elizabeth has changed in one year....See for yourself. And please....NO COMMENTS ABOUT HER IN THE COMMENTS SECTION!!! She's so cute it'll just get filled up with things like "OMG....Elizabeth is such a babe!!" or "I can't believe how cute Lizzie is!!!"

This is the picture that's a year old....You can check out Kristin in it too...she's been much embiggened as well.
Then Here's Lizzie at the Hospital holding Marcella....I won't tell you which one I think is Cuter.
And Here's Lizzie striking a pose...this picture was taken August 27th, it must have been at one of Kanien's Baby Showers.

So....here are some other pictures you guys will enjoy. First one of THE OWENATOR....who just had a birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ORANGE JUICE!!! (Get it? Owen Jeffrey=Orange Juice).

And now here's one of Marcella...UMMMMMMMMM...I mean Little Kanien...

This is a picture of a Dragon Fly that Kristin took. It's the best picture she's ever taken, in my opinion at least. It's resolution is set so it'll make a great desktop Backgound at 1280x1024...it's the same aspect ratio as your screen, so it fits just right.

And now we have the great Matriarch and Patriarch of the Hanson family...I think they look really nice here:

Well...That's all for today. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. I know we all miss Laurissa and Caroline and their respective families (but just between you and me, I think we miss them the most because we used to fight so much with them and now there's this empty spot where all of that fighting once was (if you object to that comment, please substitute "hang out" or "do massive group hugs" with fighting), and now we really miss them...but we miss their families too), and want them to come home.

Please leave your comments in the comments box below...especially if I put up a picture of you. If you don't comment and you have a picture of you up here, then you're not going to be on Jon's Glutton All Stars list...and as such you won't be invited to POST-GLUTTON-CON 2006.


Kanien said...

Oh- My Gosh- Lizzy is such a Babe!:) I can't believe that you pu tthat picture of me up there for everyone to see, it isn't even my good side. (he he) Ilove ya! and I can't wait for the party!

Caroline said...

Geezz.. Are you trying to make me feel so bad right after I found out that I can't even go see Brad and Laurissa? I have to spend thanksgiving with a bunch of weirdos who are making all these weird things for Thanksgiving instead of the traditional. Like Cornbread stuffing and Ham. Well I have to go Visiting Teaching, but more to come from me.

Laurissa said...

Jon, I'd really wish you'd drop by with some of your "gluttony" around five p.m. a couple nights this next week, as it sounds a lot easier than fixing dinner.

Laurissa said...

Also, Wow--that picture of Kanien looks exactly like Marcella. And Greg, I think they're still interviewing for the next season of "The Batchelor." You'd better not let that picture get out!

Caroline said...

I think you should extend your gluttony to New Years! I mean a month is just not long enough.

Lizzy said...

Please take that picture down! The one where I have 3 or 4 chins. By the way what the heck is "gluttony"? I didn't get anything you were saying! Well I have to go.