Thursday, November 10, 2005

Curled Up

Check out the flexibility!!! I always get a kick out of how flexible babies are. When you hold Marcella upright, she usually starts all spread out, but slowly works her legs underneath herself, and really snuggles her head in tight. Those socks are the smallest they sell at Target, and they still go halfway up her leg!

New Hat

Kanien's mom made this hat for Marcella. When we first put it on her, she kept trying to look at it and going cross-eyed. As you can see, the hat is red. Terry's really got her allegiances right! She's a great Ute fan, thanks in no small part to my rhetoric.

1 comment:

Laurissa said...

Well, Pedro, she's still as cute as ever, I hope you haven't started teaching her any secret ninga moves yet, though.