Thursday, January 31, 2008

My Handsome Husband

This is a picture of the man of my dreams. As I am sitting here trying to get everything organized in this crazy place we call home, I just started to miss him. Jon is curently working a Grizzly Game, and since he has to work one again tomorrow and then I have to work on Saturday, I thought I would take a minute to say why I love this guy so much. #1. He is so funny. No matter what we are doing, he can always make me laugh and he helps me understand that we should enjoy life and not get too stressed out. #2. He is the worlds greatest cook. I have seriously learned a bazillion things from him about cooking. He currently makes me a ham and cheese omlett anytime I desire and they are to die for. (I wish you were home so I could have one right now, YUM!) #3. He is always willing to do any chore that I have been despising to do for a week. #4. He is my better half. Helping and sometimes dragging me to get things done, especially at night when I just want to climb in bed, he reminds me my teeth will fall out if I don't get back in the bathroom. #5. He is the worlds Greatest Dad. Marcella absolutely adores him. Whenever I come home you will find them Dancing, playing or cooking, they have so much fun together it is fun to be with them. #6. He is so dang cute! just look at that smile, you just have to agree. #7. He loves the outdoors. We have had a bunch of adventures together and I am excited to have more this summer. #8. He is a hard worker and is doing awesome at school, I am so excited that he loves what he is doing, and can't wait to see what life has in store for us. #9. Did I mention he can Yodel? #10. He loves to joke around. I love that he will make fun of me over silly things, like how many times have I dropped a bottle of salsa at the store or before we even got it home? We started buying two so we would at least have one when we got home. I just wanted to say I LOVE YOU JON!
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Jon said...

Thanks Kanien

I love you too!

Jon said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to say....BEST POST EVER!!!

Unknown said...

You gotta tell me how to get a header across the top of my blog!! Yours is so cute!

Rosalee said...

Where do you get your cute backgrounds? I'm getting tired of blogspot's few options.

Laurissa said...

That's really nice, Kanien. I have to agree! He is awesome, and he's lucky to have you for his awesome wife!

Penny said...

Hey, Kanien. We completely agree. Ryan thinks Jon's smile is adorable, too. Seriously, I always knew Jon's wife would be a lucky gal, and he got lucky in return. (I guess that might have more than one meaning, but just go with the first one).