Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Here is one funny little two year old. She seriously surprises me more and more everyday. Here she is at the cabin. Drinking about her 20th cup of hot Chocolate. I couldn't believe how much she loved it. She not only would drink the whole cup but she would continuiously ask for more after it was all gone. She has started into the terrible two's. Not sure how to handle it, but I am trying. It makes me laugh a lot which doesn't help matters, but when you stop for a minute and recap how your conversation with a two year old is going, it makes me laugh.
"Marcella please stop that."
"Marcella, Marcella, are you listening to me?"
"Please stop that now!"

This goes on for a minute or so until I realize I am fighting with a two year old. Then I tell her we can't talk to each other until we are going to be nice. This has helped so far, just cross your fingers it continues to work. She has a fascination with being scared. Whenever she thinks something is scary or is scared, she talks about it for ages. Not only that but her favorite books include The little old lady who wasn't afraid of anything, and the Pale green Pants with Nobody inside them. I don't know about you, but if I would have read those as a child I would have been scared for life. She is so funny. Every night when we tuck her in she will say,"the tigers not going to come in my bedroom?" then I reassure her that Tigers live at the zoo not at our house, she then will say, "okay if you weave the door open?"

She not only has a terrible two side, but a sweet how can you not love me side. She really has started to be the sweetest little girl on the planet. My favorite things she has been saying lately are:
"no, I LOVE YOU!"
"Can I wash the dishes?" (Don't know how long this is going to last, but I will take it any day)
"Just a minute"
"Oh, let me tell you a story."
"mommy I wook cute?"
"Mommy what a pretty necklace, I wike it."

I can't think of any more right now. But I must admit whenever she says Sure, it just melts my heart. I should record her so I can let you just hear how she says it. It is adorable. Well, I guess I better go, but I hope you all have a wonderful evening!


Amie said...

That sounds like so much fun (the cute side). I miss seeing you guys like everyday.

Jami said...

Haha. I just did a post like this too. Layne and I have to try so hard not to laugh sometimes at things Trenton does.

Caroline said...

I love Marcella right now too! She is the cutest talker ever. She always surprises me with the things she can say.

Penny said...

Can I just say I totally relate to the arguing with a 2 year old? Except it just seems to get worse with a 3 year old. Also, did Marcella not sleep for 3 days because of the hot cocoa? We've had a bad experience with that one. Chocolate, sleep, and my children do not mix!

Unknown said...

that is really cute. I can't wait to see her and all of the cute stuff. I
love how she loved hot chocolate at the cabin so much. Does she still like it?

Laurissa said...

She sounds so cute. I wish we could see here and play with her. Does she remember her Michigan cousins?

Unknown said...

yes, yes, record her!!'ll have to take notes for me, i'm not looking forward to the terrible 2s!