Friday, November 16, 2007

4 Things I am Thankful for

#1. This might just look like just an ordinary Brush, but Oh no, it is one of my favorite things that I own. I believe it is suppose to be used while giving yourself a pedicure, to scrub your nails or something. I have found a better use for it. It scrubs out all of the spots Marcella gets on her clothes. I have been using it for 2 years now and it work wonders. It is the perfect brisilness, I haven't found a better one. I am sure you can find them at Bath and Body Works. I think I have seen them for a couple bucks, so not bad for a wonder tool.

#2. Rubber Gloves! I don't think anyone can argue with how wonderful these are. I can't even imagine what people did before these. Let's just say they are lifesavers! You can even get two pair at Walmart for $2 what a steal! If you don't have any, you must not have Kids.
#3. Clorox Wipes. I think this is one that I am almost most grateful for today. It just really helps do the Job. I am so thankful to those wonderful people in advertising who helped me feel like I really needed to buy these or my life wouldn't be complete. Well I am here to tell you I really did need them today and I am glad I had fallen to an advertising trap and bought them, plus they did what they said... My life is now better because of this purchase.

#4. Why M&M's, Well because after you finish reading this you will know that any chocolate in your house helps keep your sanity and today these did just the trick. As a matter of fact I am eating them right now. Man they sure are amazing. They have that calming, enjoyable effect that always reduces my stress levels.

Why am I grateful for these today well I will tell you. First I would like to start by a bit of back logging. Marcella received the potty training lesson about a week and a half ago. She has had her good days and her bad days, but all in all she has done really well. Especially these past few days. She has only had one accident and that was because we went to a bazillion stores and forgot she might need to go potty. Other than that she hasn't had an accident in three days. AMAZING! At least that is what I have been telling myself. I love that she is potty trained. She loves getting a sticker every time she goes potty, so it works out very well.

So Today being the 4th day she has done an awesome job, she managed to go poopoo in the toilet. "Awesome!" I exclaimed being all excited for her and still giving a bunch of praise so she will continue the good behavior. Well after that she went back to playing and I went back to working on pictures. After about 20 minutes I started to smell an awful smell so I decided I better go and check on Quiet Marcella. Well this is what I found.

I should at least be grateful she was on the potty right? (notice there is no more toilet paper on the holder? ya, it had to be our last roll) Well I told myself, at least you now know why you felt like staying in bed today. To say the least I was VERY Grateful I had everything I needed to clean up. The M&M's helped me calm down and enjoy this moment that I new would come sometime in my life, I am just hoping that it doesn't come again.


Amie said...

that is the best. I'm glad I have sometime before I have to deal with that

Jami said...

Thanks for that! It makes me feel a little bit better about my life right now!

Terry said...

welcome to motherhood! I got a good laugh over that one. Just be grateful that you have potty trained her before she took her diaper off in her crib and smeared poop everywhere in the crib. Thanks for the laugh.

Caroline said...

That's what being a mom is all about. Dealing with nasty and disgusting stuff. I'm glad Marcella is doing so well.

Laurissa said...

Ha, ha. I can't believe you grabbed the camera and she stayed there to take a picture! I wish m&ms could produce that calming effect on me without the weight effect.

Jon said...

Way funny. I'm glad I was at school or I know I would have had to clean this up. Anyway...Mom D., when are the "welcome to motherhood" comments going to stop? I suppose when Marcella is 16 and has a bad date you'll probably say, "Welcome to motherhood," won't you?

Terry said...

sorry Jon didn't realize I said it that often -I'll try and lose that comment before she turns 16! Notice I only said try - I wont guarantee anything though

bentanelle said...

oh, man. That is funny! wait until you have two and one forgets to flush and the other gets the contents out of the toilet and plays with it! oh, our disgusting kids!