Friday, August 29, 2008

My Love/Hate Relationship

So I am wondering if anyone else out there has had this problem, or maybe it is just me, but I am beginning to HATE Claire's nurses. Of course it is only one day in every couple or so that I get one that tells me things like, "how many times have you held your baby today? You are only suppose to hold her twice a day." Or something else like "Well, I was too busy chatting about all of my problems in my life, so I decided she didn't need a bottle, I just tube fed her instead. So ya, sorry it looks like she will have to stay another day because she didn't take a bottle every three hours today." Sometimes I just want to scream....

Yet on the other hand, I Love most of these nurses for taking care of my sweet baby. How can you get mad at people who are helping your baby get better. It will be three weeks tomorrow since this whole ordeal happened I guess I can and should just expect that I will get a bad nurse about every 3rd day/night, so really I shouldn't be surprised, but as you might be able to tell I had a bad one last night and it is driving me crazy at the moment. So I decided that I will just have to step it up and be at the Hospital every three hours to feed her so it actually gets done.

Well, so far today she has taken a bottle every single time from 5:30am til now, so we are doing awesome. The funny thing is I finally got to talk with the Dr. and he said that if we are ok with learning how to put a feeding tube in then we can take her home! So we will see how that goes. I am really nervous about it, but I am hoping I can do it, because then I might be able to have my baby at home by Monday. It is crazy, but I never thought I would have to do this, I think with our next child I will be prepared to have some kind of Hospital stay, because it sure is becoming a trend in our family.

I really thought I would have this child down packed. I would know what signs to look for if she had an allergy etc. but instead I have to learn how to stick some tube down my daughters nose and get it into her stomach (because if you don't get it in her stomach then it could go in her lungs) so she gets enought to eat. I am hoping that when I take her home I will just be able to give her the whole bottle every time, which is what I do when I am at the hospital Then I can just blame Claire being in the hospital forever on the nurses.


Tara said...

You guys are awesome! You have been so upbeat and optimistic about everything. I really admire you.

One day, very soon, you will wake up with your sweet little girl cooing next to you and you will think how quickly her time away has been. Maybe this is how our Heavenly Mother feels when we come to earth! ("Oh, you guys are doing it all wrong! I just want you to come home now so I can hug you.")


Love you.

Caroline said...

Nurses make all the difference in the world! I totally understand your frustrations. It's too bad you can't choose who takes care of Claire. I really hope she comes home soon!

Amie said...

That stinks. I hope she gets home soon. In the mean time if you need something to do or some place to go in between her feedings I'm always home. Give me a call.

Lizzy said...

I hope Claire comes home on Monday!!! Then I will come and see you so I can hold her! She is so cute! I'm so glad that she is getting better!

Laurissa said...

I agree with Caroline--here's a shout out to all the GOOD nurses in the world. You're amazing, Kanien, to try and be there every 3 hours. Good luck. That sounds scary about putting in a feeding tube yourself. Good luck with that too. I hope she gets to come home soon--on bottles!

Penny said...

We're so happy that you might get to bring Claire home soon. It sounds like she needs some serious "mommy time," without the hassle of inattentive nurses :). We're so sorry you've such a struggle, but I'm sure you'll be able to do the feeding tube! You always amazed me when you took care of and lived with Jon's grandma. Or was it your grandma? I can't remember. Anyway, you guys are awesome and you are up to it! I'm sure you'll be great.

We'll keep praying for your sweet little family.

Familia_Henderson said...

Sorry about the crummy nurses- it's good to hear claire might get to come home soon. We are keeping you guys in our prayers every night.

Jami said...

Kanien- I TOTALLY understand. For the most part the twins nurses were awesome, but one day they had a witch for a nurse and it totally ruined my life for that one day. She wouldn't let me hold the girls and she had the temperature on the isolette way too high and I was so mad, I AM THE MOM, DON'T I HAVE A SAY? Anyway, it was so embarrassing, because I was already so emotional and frazzled and I left the NICU and totally started bawling and the head nurse happened to walk up right then and I think she totally figured out what happened and they never assigned that nurse to me again and gave me the most wonderful nurse ever. Anyway, that's a long story, but I do understand, it was so hard to have our family apart, I just wanted us all together. I hope things keep going well. You guys are awesome and have the cutest kids ever!