Monday, August 18, 2008

Pictures of Claire

Here are a few pictures of Claire and an update of what's happened since our last post.

She was taken of the ventilator on the 12th, about a week ago. It felt pretty good to get a better look at her face.

On the 13th, she had her umbilical arterial line taken out. They were confident she wouldn't go back on the ventilator, so they no longer needed to do blood gas tests, which rendered the UAL obsolete. Once it was out, they let us hold her. She started to feel a bit more like "our baby" after that.

At this point they stopped all of the sedatives she was on, and started to bring down the levels of blood pressure medicine she was taking. That meant she would be more alert, awake, and aware of her surroundings.

She even opened her eyes a little bit.

On the 14th, they started feeding her with the milk Kanien had been pumping. She had a tube down her esophagus to vent gas that might build up in her stomach, which doubled as a feeding tube once she was able to eat. They started by giving her 5 cc's of milk, and gradually worked it up. A normal feeding is 52 cc's.

Happy Daddy

Marcella stayed at her Grandma Dougal's house. She loves the bikes and their dog, Chester. Having her there made an unbelievable difference for us, since they won't let anyone under 18 into the NICU.

On the 15th, two days after Kanien was discharched, we "moved in" with the McCann family. They live about 10 minutes from the hospital, so we could try and attend Claire's feeding and care sessions, which take place every 3 hours. Caroline and Jeff let us stay in their bedroom. This is Marcella's bed on the floor of their room.

On th 16th they tried to move Claire into a crib. She was wearing a onesie, pjs, two hats, and three blankets, but she couldn't maintain her body temperature without the heater, so they moved her back.

She's been doing pretty well with a bottle. The nurses tell us as long as she's awake, she'll eat from a bottle. Her feedings are up to 32 cc's now.


mom said...

We are thrilled that baby Claire is here and doing so well. she is lucky to have such great parents and a super big sister. We got on your blog through ben's hope you don't mind. Love the Smiths

Amie said...

That is so great that she is doing so well. Let us know if you need anything.

Keersten said...

She is so beautiful! I am glad she is making such great progress. Our prayers are with you guys!

Dani and Isaac said...

You have such a beautiful, strong baby girl. I am so glad to see she is doing well.

Unknown said...

We all agree that Claire is a beautiful baby too!!!! We love the pictures of Mom with Clair and Dad with Claire. They are precious and and say so much.
Love the Dougals

Cansas said...

I've been out of the loop for awhile...So sorry to hear that your little one is having health problems. Sounds like she's pulling out of it, so that's great. She's such a cute little girl. We'll be praying for a speedy recovery.

Unknown said...

She is so darling! We are sending good prayer vibes your way!