Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hip Hip Hurray!

For Claire Bear! Jon and I are so excited! Claire was taken off the ventilator tonight and she has been doing excellent. She decided today that she was going to improve and has made great progress.

Last night Jon and I were hoping that she might get off the ventilator by Friday. Now, if we are lucky, we'll be able to hold her by then. It is hard to describe the complete joy I feel at this moment. I am truly grateful for all of your prayers and fasting for our sweet baby girl.

She still has a ways to go before she can come home. She has to breathe on her own, eat on her own, and be gaining weight. We're about half way there on the first criteria, and just hoping things continue to get better.
We are so grateful for all of your love and support. Please keep praying for Claire. She reached a milestone, but still has a few to go. All our love and thanks for the tremendous support we've received from everyone.
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bentanelle said...

congratulations you guys on your new addition! She is beautiful! We hope she continues to get better so she can go home with you soon, we are keeping you in our prayers!

Jacci said...

Congratulations! I am glad to hear you are all well. I hope that everything will continue to go well for your sweet new baby. our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Rosalee said...

I am so happy that she is making improvements. I hope she gets to come home soon. David and I love you guys so much and hope the best for you. If there is anything you need just let us know.

Dani and Isaac said...

Congratulations Im so glad she is doing well!

Dani and Isaac said...

Congratulations Im so glad she is doing well!

Laurissa said...

Keep working hard Claire--those are big steps but you can do it. Good job breathing on your own. We love you so much.

Penny said...

Congratulations on your beautiful little girl, you guys. We have been praying for her, and hope you get to hold her soon! I can't imagine how hard it must be not to be able to, so we will pray for that to come soon. Let us know if you need anything.

Familia_Henderson said...

We're so glad to hear that her health is improving. She is such a beautiful little girl. Is it my imagination or is that red hair I see?

Unknown said...

this is a bit late, but seeing those pictures make me a bit anxious. I am glad she is home, eating and gaining weight and making everyone laugh and be happy.