Thursday, December 08, 2005

Life back to normal

Hey all....Life is pretty much back to normal. I'll be really glad when this semester is over. I'm almost ready to quit school...just kidding. I've just been amazed at the unwillingness of some teachers to work with me around this whole hospital thing. I'll probably get a D out of one class...a paper that was 5 minutes late that she won't accept...well...whatever. I'm not really too concerned about it right now. I know this would kill some of you out there, but I'm just not too concerned about grades. Pretty strange...whatever.

Marcella is up to 7lbs 14oz, pretty good considering she wasn't even seven pounds a couple of weeks ago. She eats like a maniac now. She'll nurse for half an hour, then eat three ounces of that every three hours or so. It's really amazing and a little humbling to watch her grow like this. Before we'd do all we could think of...spending an hour trying to get her to eat two ounces of formula, only to have her spit it up. Now it's like she's decided to fatten up for the Christmas Feast...seeing as she was pretty small when we tried to have her for Thanksgiving.

I've got a couple of pictures to share with you guys, so here goes:

Kristin took this when it started snowing over Thanksgiving. Really nice.

This is Lizzie....I'm sure some of you don't recognize her, but it really is her. Kristin took this picture, too.

My pretty wife!!


Jami said...

So glad that Marcella is gaining weight!! She is such a cutie!! We need to hang out with you guys sometime soon....p.s. Kanien--I have been working faithfully on the quilt every day. (still only on row six though:) )

Lizzy said...

I HAVE NOT CHANGED THAT MUCH!! People still recondnize me. I am so glad Marcella is becoming pleasantly plunp! It makes me happy.

Caroline said...

kanien looks great. Jeff and I both think so. Can't wait to see Marcella with a little chub.