Monday, February 13, 2012

Oh to be little

   Have you ever had the feeling that as a mother you have been expecting nothing less than perfect from your oldest? I believe this week I have been reminded by Jon more than once that I needed to remember that Marcella is only 6 years old. I have had to step back and relax a little when it takes longer than a second to get a job done. Or continue to ask politely for her to do something even if it has been the millionth time I have asked.

   I watch this little one so eager to learn and explore the world around her and instead of taking time to really listen and help her explore I have been spending more time making sure she always hangs up her coat and backpack when she gets home, cleans up her room, does her jobs, just goes to bed! and on and on.
   The the other day I watched Marcella open her new umbrella and walk out to the bus stop. She reminded me of a miniature business women heading out to conquer the world and I realized that all too soon she would be doing just that. Sooner than I think she will no longer want to curl up in my bed and have me read to her as we snuggle. Soon she will care more about what her friends think than what I do. I am letting precious moments slip away. I need to slow down listen, relax and Laugh.
I am glad I slowly started learning this the other day as I enjoyed overhearing the joy and imaginations of two giggly girls as they were trying to get to Fairyland.

I will try a little harder this week to keep that simple joy and laughter in my home. Thanks for the fabulous reminder little Cella.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My only comment is my smile, which you cant see, but here is a make shift one for ya :) I love and miss you all so so much. I've been thinking about you and Jon like crazy this week. Please come kidnap me.