Wednesday, October 19, 2011


1. Summer Nights and sidewalk chalk. I wish you could have seen it, the whole driveway was a work of art, an hour later, if that, huge thunder and a down pour. So sad.
2. This is what Jon did most of the summer, cooked fabulous breakfasts, lunches and dinners, oh why did school have to start again?
3. Kristin, need I say more. The girls were so happy to have her come. Claire still when she sees someone with her hair will smile and yell Kristin!
4. Fair Oaks Farm, how high can you jump?
5. Impromptu trip to the beach. Best idea ever. The sand was amazing, and even though we had to go to a few stores for clothes, swimsuits and overnight stuff we had a blast.
6. Being buried in the sand. Claire kept saying, nite nite.
7. ohhh, family picture
8. Did I mention we went to the beach 2 days in a row? yep sure did.
9. I think Marcella had the most fun. She is now old enough to enjoy the water and the beach. Plus having Daddy and Kristin to tag along with makes for a great day.
10. Kristin, please come back. We miss you.
11. Because of Kristin I have photos like this one, that just screams SUMMER! Thank you for taking so many pictures. I love them all.
12. Bonus we got lots of fun candid family pic as well. Kristin, you are the BEST!


Deidra said...

Yes! Kristin should come back. We love our family pictures, but that Millie girl is growing too fast and we might need some new ones. :)

Dani and Isaac said...

Isaac is so incredibly jelous of Johns beard. please let him know. and I am jelous of your many beachy experiences :)

Laurissa said...

Very nice ode to summer and Kristin!

Unknown said...

I miss you all so so much! I find my self thinking about how happy I was over there in Indiana quite a bit. Maybe I'll just have to find a job over there, work for a year and then go to Purdue. Sounds like a good idea right? ;)