Seriously...this morning I was woken out of my peaceful slumber to Claire screaming her guts out. Don't be confused by her normal "screams," which usually just allows me to keep her in her crib until a reasonable hour, when I will calmly get her out and start my day. No. Today, as I was tripping over my feet and bumping into walls in my rush to get to her I thought, oh no, she has learned how to climb out of her crib and has gotten hurt. When I flipped on the light to survey the damage... What to my wondering eye should appear (or should I say hear)? "Haaaaiiii! giggle giggle giggle." Whenever you get Claire up in the morning she will say to Hi to just about anything and it isn't just her normal hi hi. It is a high pitched drawn out HHHHHHHIIIIIIII! that makes you want to say it back. Most of the time it is my favorite thing to hear in the morning, it just makes you smile. But when it is still dark outside.... come on Claire, you are suppose to be sleeping!!!
This would be Claire right now. I was able to get her to hold still long enough so I can remember this moment. I will then proceed to let you know everything she has done in the past 40 minutes. She sat in her high chair for 15 minutes eating her breakfast, which only resulted in her plate being chucked across the room when she was done. So far today is going to be a great one. (if you want, we can chat about the applesauce incident the other day... not such a great day.) When she was eating I kept saying, Kanien you can do this today. You can be one step ahead of this child. You can control your reactions, etc., etc. Gotta love pep talks. After getting her down from her high chair I could see that in her eyes she was saying... watch out Mom you are in for it today. Well here goes nothing: in no particular order this is how Claire has spent her last 25 minutes
* Got into the dishwasher, almost dropped a plate
* Started the dishwasher... TWICE!
*dumped out the bag of junk I just brought in from the car
*pulled all of her toys off the bookshelf
*somehow managed to mess up my tape player/recording, don't ask, but seriously child.
*opened a bunch of DVD's and almost got them out (chalk up one point for me being able to stop her before she scored.)
*Got into the closet, let's just say I am glad I can shut the door
*learned how to open the door to get into the garage.. WHAT???
*Played in the bathroom and under the bathroom sink
and when I sat down to do this post she had just started dumping out every game in the game closet that is within her little reach and is ringing a bell... "ding ding ding, i am the winner!"
You may ask so what were you doing this whole time? Where was the parent? You can admit it if you were feeling a little judgmental, but honestly I am still waking up as I am typing this and I was one step right..... Behind her.
As we speak I can hear her little footprints upstairs, yes she is in my bathroom, do I even want to know what she is doing in there??? What I would like to know is what were you doing @ 6:30 this morning?
wow. I could never keep up with her. props major props to you. and I love the dress you made out of John's shirt. so cute!
I was sleeping. Good luck today!
this is absolutely hilarious! this is my day one hundred percent to the tee! so i have no good advice for you, except that it helps that she is so dang cute!
As a fellow mother of an "adorable" 2 year old, I can empathize. How do they do it!?! I finally discovered how to get mine to sit and stay for about 15 minutes; so I can clean up the chaos she's left in her wake...Elmo, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, or Pooh videos. Can you guess how many I have...? They save me most days, and they save her too!;) Robbie says Ali's an angel. And my response is always, "yes, but for which side!"
It's a good thing they're so cute! You can do it lady!
The Mom always WINS!!!:)
Now if you'll excuse me, mine keeps getting outta bed. She loves this game...:/
Wow! That's impressive! I can't keep up with my girls, but at least they give me until 7:30!
I was reading this in total quiet. We always seem to want what we don't have - I miss what you are experiencing right now and you probably miss what I am experiencing. Just try and enjoy the moments - they go by fast. From experience - the days that are my best are when I put God first and do what I know He wants me to do. (prayer, scripture reading and studying)Have a prayer in your heart/mind all day long, He will be there to help you, when you have those crazy frustrating moments. Don't mean to "preach" but it works. Love you and you are doing great at being a mom.
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