Sunday, March 02, 2008

A little MiXeD uP!

Ok so lately I have been laughing a lot at some of the things Marcella has been saying. Here is a story for example. Marcella has been getting scared of Lions and Tigers. Not sure why she is scared of them or what brought it on, but sometimes before she goes to bed she will call us in and tell us she is scared. So the other night I was talking to her and I told her whenever she feels scared she can pray to Heavenly Father and he will help her not to feel scared. So we said a little prayer together and then she went to sleep. Well another night later we were playing the infamous toss the "something" into a basket after you answer a question game, for Family night. We would ask Marcella all about Joseph Smith and she was having fun tossing her bean bag in the basket. Well I guess she just has Joseph Smith on her mind because a couple nights later she came into our room at 4:00 am and said "Mommy, Daddy I'm scared" so we brought her up into bed with us and as she was laying in between us, she turned to me and said, "Mama, I not scared any more cause I prayed to Joseph Smith and he help me not be scared."

Then today she started stamping her hand with a little stamp she has, so I started telling her about how our bodies are special and we shouldn't draw on them or stamp on them. I then told her that Heavenly Father gave us our bodies so we have to treat them nice. Later this afternoon we were washing her hands in the sink and she says, "We not draw on our bodies, cause Joseph Smith gave them to me." I told her no Heavenly Father gave us our bodies and she said "ya Joseph Smith did, I not draw on mine."


Terry said...

That's funny! I like the way she says President Uchtdorf's name. She might get confused but you are teaching her well - she knows a lot!
Thanks for updating - it made my morning! Love Mom

Katie Jane said...

That is really sweet! You are a great mom.

Katherine and Rick said...

Thats hilarious! Dose she say Joseph smith for everything? Maybe its Jon telling her to say it (just joking)

Unknown said...

Sorry that last one was from me. kristin I love you guys!! See ya soon!