Friday, May 05, 2006

It's all gone!

My hair that is. Yep, that is right, I cut my hair.... It happens to be about the length that I said I wanted it, but I am having a hard time believing that I really did it. Everytime I walk by a mirror, I am amazed, because i am still not used to it yet. It was the weirdest feeling today when I washed it. I can't believe it is all gone! So for all of you getting a good laugh, don't tell me about it, but if you think it is cute, let me know. I love you all!


Jon said...

Yeah, it's still cute. I can't wait to see you!

Miriam said...

I love it! It makes me want to cut my hair, but not that short

Caroline said...

SO CUTE Kanien! I really like it! Change is always good. I love getting my hair cut. I bet it's really short when it's curly! You'll have to post a picture of that.

Lizzy said...

THAT IS SO CUTE KANIEN! You are so brave. Is your hair way hard to do when it is curly. I am so excited for you to come and stay with us.

Laurissa said...

It's cute Kanien--it will grow back a lot faster than you think, so just enjoy it short!