Sunday, January 22, 2006


4 Jobs you have had in Your Life:

What’s a job? (he he) I must admit that I have never been a telemarketer, so I can say that I have avoided that job. My first job was at Ream's Bakery. If you ever get the chance to try a glazed Croissant don’t pass it up. It's the best thing you'll ever eat! I then worked at Deseret Book, GouldEvans, and the place were I have made the most money and it required the least amount of skill known to man, is the Church Headquarters. I often wonder why some jobs for which much knowledge is required, pay quite poorly. I guess I will never understand.

4 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over:

I would have to agree with Jon on Sleepless in Seattle, it is a classic. We have even started incorporating lines from the movie into our daily life; that is when you know you watch a movie too much. I love Pride and Prejudice you just can’t get enough out of the book/movie that all romances are based on. I must say that I like Teeny-Bopper movies as well. These are not Jon’s favorites so I have to watch them when he is know the ones...What a Girl Wants, princess diaries, 13 going on 30, freaky Friday, etc. (I count those as one.) You can’t forget the classic Anne of Green Gables Series. What girl who has red hair doesn’t love those?

4 Places You have Lived:

I was born and live most of my little childhood in Boise Idaho. My Dad was a coal miner and we lived in Salina, Utah. (or “Salinas” as Dad Wallin said once...made me chuckle.) The rest of my childhood was spent in Layton, which is where my “home” is until I have a home of my own, and now here in Salt Lake.

4 TV Shows that You Love to Watch:

The Cosby show, it is the funniest. Antique Roadshow, someday I am going to be on it, and then you will all be glad that you are related to me. This Old House, because someday I will have enough money to have a house with all the coolest features that you see on the shows, and the TLC channel, although I haven’t been able to watch that since we don’t have cable, but they have some cool shows on there.

4 Places You Have Been on Vacation:

I have been to San Rafael Swell, one of the most memorable camping trips taken by the Dougal’s. The Cinque Terre, a place that I would recommend you go before you die, Sestri Levante, only had the best Gelato in the WORLD, something I hope we have in Heaven. Island Park, I must agree with Jon is the best vacation spot, we Love it up there.

4 Websites You Visit Daily:

Family Blogs, so start updating the more often. My Email, and that is about it.

4 of my Favorite Things to Eat:

Man since I can’t eat anything right now, I would have to say anything with Cheese, chocolate, Chinese take out, Henburgers, french-fries, and PIZZA.

4 Places you would Rather Be Right Now:

Island Park, I haven’t been for 7 Months and it is killing me, Anywhere in Europe, Hawaii, San Diego.

4 Books You’ve Read in the Past Year (or Two):

Recently I have finished books 1-5 in the Great Brain Series, by John D. Fitzgerald. I had forgotten how funny those are. The Chronicles of Narnia, by C.S. Lewis, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, and Silas Miner, by George Elliot.

4 Things You Like to Create:

I enjoy creating Quilts, what a fun way to pass the time. Decorating, only I wish I had more money to devote to doing it, a clean house, which keeps me busy everyday of the week. I like to create cute pictures of little Marcella.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Fun reading! I love Anne of Green Gables too. Jeff and I just watched it! I hope you get to eat all your favorite foods soon!