Wednesday, May 16, 2012


2 months since my last post. I bet you all were wondering if I had fallen off the planet. Well, nope I haven't. We have just been a little busy around here. So let me recap everything that has been going on to see if I can pick up where I left off. From the last picture you would expect that Claire would be potty trained. Yea, nope no cigar. She loves to go in her diaper and then go sit on the potty. My only hope is that at least she realizes she has gone... slow progress and I am counting the small miracles. So without further ado here is March in a nut shell.

Grandpa came to visit! Everyone was so excited to have him come. Marcella taught him how to play Castle Crashers and my favorite part was listening to this dialogue. 
Marcella: Grandpa you don't have to keep pushing those buttons.
Grandpa: Well I am trying to get back up. which buttons do I press?
Marcella: no, Grandpa, you are dead! 

We had loads of fun playing at the park, eating yummy food and talking family history. 

This guy was on Spring break so it was fabulous to have him home to spend time with us and Grandpa. 

I on the other hand left half way through and wen to meet my new soon to be sister in-law and hang out with this handsome fella. (oh I wish I could hug you right now!)

Funny that these are the only pictures I have. I really need to take more pictures!

 I flew home with my parents and the next day Jon and I left for the 4C's conference in St. Louis, MO. Can I just say that was the coolest city I have been to in a while. Seriously everything was free or practically free.  We stayed in this sweet Bed and Breakfast which was right next to this sweet quaint park that I could go running at. We also had some amazing ice cream, fabulous pizza (which later we found out it is because they use provolone cheese instead of mozzarella, so it is super creamy when it is melted. It was yummy.) had a fabulous dinner at a fancy restaurant, and just enjoyed not having kids for 4 days. (Thanks Mom and Dad!)

Yes enjoyed it so much that we even went to the zoo without kids. So random, but super fun and Free! I think our next vacation with the kids will be back to St. Louis. 
(a few more pictures for your enjoyment.)

We ended the month hanging out with my parents for a few days after we got back from St. Louis and yes this was the ONLY picture I took. Marcella was so excited to give grandma a pedicure and manicure. She had a blast.  Thank you so much for coming and please come again soon!


Unknown said...

What a fun month! We really miss you guys!

Familia_Henderson said...

I am betting the pizza you had was made with provel cheese. It's a St. Louis thing- they also really like to do a cracker like crust. Next time you go I will give you some awesome places to go with the kids. We lived there for 3 1/2 years and even though I'm back in Idaho I miss all the amazing things there are to do in St. Louis!