Thursday, May 17, 2012


Has brought many wonderful things so far. Warm weather, when one day we are setting up the pool and the next we are putting on jackets, but it has been perfect. The most amazing thing, it cools down at night. Last night when I actually started to freeze because the windows were open I thought in a couple months I am going to be dreaming for this weather to come back!

 The first week of May I finished a quilt for some friends that were getting married and since I had a deadline, the whole house was left unattended and this is what happened while I finished this:

Marcella got put on dinner duty. Since both parents were missing in action...(Jon upstairs working on his Finals and I on the couch quilting) She makes some killer popcorn, Yum!

Claire had something else in mind... any guesses? 

This would have to be one of the times in my life I just rolled with the punches.

I walked into the other room and saw this, and right before I FREAKED Out, I thought well, it isn't that big of a deal is it? I am worried the amazingly wet wet sand will ruin the carpet, so how about we just get a table cloth and let her go at it. At least I will know what she is doing.

When asked, "Claire, what are you doing?"
She replied, "Sand inside, YAY!! FUN!" as she is clapping and cheering.

And...I did it, I ran another half marathon. I did a trail run this time and fell once so I got a little muddy and my brand new shoes... not so pretty any more, but it felt good to finish. Thank yous to my little support team, running with me and cheering me along the way. You guys are the best!


Unknown said...

Hahaha! That is great that you let Claire play with sand inside. I'm still not brave enough to let Jack do that, but he tends to travel around the whole house with his messes...

Lizzy said...

Congrats on running another half! What an accomplishment. :) I've never done one before.