Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day of School

Marcella and Claire started school this week. Marcella's first day was yesterday. She walks to school , something her teacher said she's never had a student do before. We'll see how much walking she does when the snow starts to fall, but at least for now it will be nice.

Claire's first day was today. She's being bussed to a school around 8 miles from our house. Claire loves buses. She didn't really understand she'd be riding the bus until it pulled up.

She had absolutely no problems getting on. She practically ran up the steps.

It's fun to watch them go to school, but a little unnerving that this will be their life for the next bazillion years. Hopefully neither of them will be in school as long as I've been there, though.
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Deidra said...

Little Claire on a great big bus? It makes me all sorts of anxious!

Hope her first day is great and that Marcella's second is even better than the first!

Katherine Wallin said...

I feel a bit teary-eyed looking at them begin, and yet they are going to have great experiences not to be withheld from them. Forward, running into the joys of life!

Unknown said...

Wow! I can't believe how grown up they are! That's awesome Marcella's walking to school. I remember how mom always told me it built character :)

Cyndi said...

I love the pictures. If I was there I would have cried. Well, at least choked a tear down. So cute.

Unknown said...

I loved this post. That's all there is to it.