Friday, May 06, 2011

It is only 9:30

and I wish you could have been at my house this morning, but since you can't I will just fill you in on what you would have heard. "claire, CLaire, CLAIRE!!!!" repeating in many different voices and volumes as she:
1. decided to grab a towel off the towel rack while she was in the tub and plunge it into the tub then promptly throw it on the floor. Thus creating a pool, yes a pool of water all over the bathroom floor.
2. kept running away when it was time to get her hair done
3.decided it would be fun to dump out 10 puzzles all over the floor, right after Marcella was told she had to clean up the toy room. (what a mean sister! he he)
4. decided that she did not want 2 pots filled with dirt anywhere close to her proximity. ("Nothing can be on my table. It must be pushed to the floor!")

There is only 2 hr and 20 minutes until nap time... bring it on... I am ready for you....

1 comment:

Laurissa said...

What a stinker! I hope the next 2 hours and 20 minutes were less eventful.