Monday, March 23, 2009

Our trip to Vegas

This is what Claire did when I put on her sunglasses and told her we were on our way to Vegas.

She was super happy her big sister was coming as well.

We went with our friends the Laws. Where's Gavin?
(you have to love a sleeping baby.)

Here's the Girls in front of the Bellagio.

Marcella loved looking through the holes to see the water.

Daddy and Claire Bear with Peter and Hallie.

While Marcella kept looking at the water...

Claire was just chillin' in her stroller loaned to us so graciously by Dave and Rose. Seriously this trip wouldn't have been fun without it. Thanks guys.

Marcella loved the pool. Before we left she reminded me that we need to buy her some goggles so she could go under water. Everyone knows you can't go under without them. So here she is strutting her new goggles and loving every minute of it. Claire on the other hand got so cold the first time we took her in and after about 5 minutes, if that, she started screaming. Hopefully she will enjoy it more this summer.

This was after a nice long cry at the pool. We put the girls in the tub and then I got Claire dressed and put her on the bed. After we got everyone else ready for bed, this is what I found. She was so tired. This is one thing I love about Claire she will fall asleep anywhere really. The best is that I can rock her to sleep. Marcella would never just cuddle up to you and go to sleep, she had to be wrapped up and but in a bed. Claire on the other hand has been my snuggle bug and I love it.

Here is Marcella lovin' her BIG bed. It was super cozy. This was Marcella's first time sleeping in a hotel, as far as we can remember. She had so much fun.

This is Marcella's friend Hallie. They sure were enjoying all the food you could get at the morning breakfast buffet. It was so yummy!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Marcella. She was having so much fun running around and looking at all the flowers. Every few seconds I would hear, "Mommy, can I please just pick one flower?" It was pretty cute.

This is one of my favorites of Claire with a bunch of Poppies behind her. When I saw all the poppies I couldn't help but think of Grandma Noni. She had so many growing every spring in the front of her house. Crazy enough it made me miss seeing them.

We are a Happy Family.

I thought this was cute and I couldn't pass up the moment to take a picture. These were animals that you could mix and match the parts to make up different or the original animals. These two had a fun time putting them all together.

This was Saturday night after we got back to the hotel. Claire was being so snuggly. This is when she really started to not feel so great, but she was a trooper and we are glad she came with us.

Last but not least. After two Great days of buffets, we ate at IHOP for Breakfast. By the time we got to the restaurant the kids and the adults for that matter were starving. Let's just say it wasn't the best meal we had the whole trip, but I think this picture was taken before all the kids had a little melt down.

No trip would be complete without a little bit of car trouble. Yep our little car made it all the way to Nephi and then decided to die. At least we were able to get it towed to a place in Orem and it only cost us $30. Thanks Spencer for coming to get us, you are awesome!
All in all we had a lot of fun over the weekend. Hope you all have a great Day!


Terry said...

looks like you had a lot of fun!

Dani and Isaac said...

I love the pictures of Claire in her sunglasses! It looks like you guys had a blast.

Laurissa said...

What a fun trip. I'm glad you got to enjoy some time away with friends and some warm weather. Marcella and Claire are so cute! That's nice you've got a cuddle-bug!

Caroline said...

Great post! I love all the cute pictures, especially the ones in front of the flowers.

smlaw said...

Thanks for posting cute pics of us since we were lame and forgot our camera. We had so much fun with you guys. Let's do it again sometime!