Saturday, April 30, 2011

Claire's Quirks

Claire is better at pushing our buttons than Marcella. She knows how to get a reaction from her parents, and does it all the time. This morning, I was choosing some music to go with our breakfast. Marcella jumped down from her chair to come lend a hand. The minute her seat was empty, Claire started climbing up into it. This, of course, upset Marcella. I got up from the computer chair to lend a hand. Claire, once I'd removed her from Marcella's seat, immediately ran and climbed into the computer chair, laughing the whole time. She does this all the time--gets into something she shouldn't with the motive of stealing the computer chair. It's pretty funny.

She also has a meticulous habit of throwing candy wrappers and tissues in the trash. If I give her a piece of candy, she won't eat it until the wrapper is in the trash. Lizzy only just started throwing things away, and she's almost 20. When she'd come visit us as a teenager, weeks would pass and we'd still find hidden candy wrappers all through the house. Claire....quite the opposite. Our little one still gets confused between the meaning of "yes" and "no", but is better at trolling her parents than her 5 1/2 year old sister.

1 comment:

Laurissa said...

What a schemer! Candy wrappers in the garbage, wow, that really is amazing. Definitely a few of our kids are on the 20-year track.