Tuesday, April 06, 2010


"UP" is what you will hear Claire say after you get her off Marcella's table. She has started to climb and thinks it's sooooo funny. I will usually hear a conversation that goes something like this:

"Claire.. oh, no. Claire! Mom! Mom! it's a emergency, emergency. Claire, that's so dangerous. You need to be safe Claire."

I will go into their room and find something similar to this. Except yesterday she thought it would be funny to stand up on the table. What a silly goose! Hope you all have a fabulous day!
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Amie said...

That is so funny. You guys should come and play again. Camrie will ask for Marcella also after we have been with you guys. When I tell her someone is going to come over she always asks me if it is Marcella.

Lizzy said...

That is so cute! Thanks for posting and making my "hum drum little life" a little more interesting! :)