Monday, June 08, 2009


Here is my cute little blue bird. All the girls in her ballet class are blue birds in the ballet Cinderella. This was during their first rehearsal. They are all so cute. I am excited that she LOVES dance. She has so much fun and has an awesome teacher. I am looking forward to Saturday and their performance.

Owen, Hannah and Caroline came down and hung out with us for awhile a couple Sundays ago. We had a lot of fun. Thanks for coming down guys. We are looking forward to seeing you again.

Our little Claire Bear. She looks so innocent. I made the cereal for Jon to feed her, I just left the bowl too close to her on the table. After a few minutes we realized what all the noise was. She sure is pretty Cute!
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Laurissa said...

She does look really cute! Man, I really miss cleaning up spilled rice cereal all over the floor. You're so lucky Claire still lets you do that!

Keersten said...

Oh my goodness, that is one cute little chicky! Well, actually two cute chickies. It is fun to see your darling girls grow.