Monday, April 20, 2009

National Turn off the T.V. and Read Week

I saw this on my friend Penny's blog and I thought I would pass it along. April 20th-26th is Turn off your TV and read week. I know this will be a little tough for us... (since we don't have a t.v. But.....) I am going to try to not even watch movies or the two shows I am addicted to this week, and I challenge you to do the same. Happy Reading..

I know these two are excited to start.

Here are some articles about kids and T.V. Thanks for sharing Penny!


Terry said...

what two shows are you addicted to this week?

Spencer Wallin said...

you know I think that this is a great and noble thing to do...but I don't have classes this week and I have to fill my time with something...I just can't commit...jk!