Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Little Cabin

We went to Island Park and stayed in Mom and Dad's "Little Jon" cabin. Here are some pictures of the massive amounts of wildflowers we enjoyed, which slightly edged out mosquitos as "most memorable aspect of the trip."

Mule's Ear

Fence by the Nature Conservancy Flat Ranch House

Marcella and Mule's Ear

Mommy and Marcella

Marcella poured her own Ranch Dressing for her veggies....

We also went to Yellowstone. Pictures follow....

The Firehole River

Marcella almost got tossed in Yellowstone Lake

Cute fam

More Pictures

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Amie said...

That looks so pretty. We wish we could have come it sounds like it would have been fun. It looks like Marcella is like me when I was younger. I loved having some veggies with my ranch dressing. I use to love eating just ranch dressing.

Gregory said...

Those are some great pics. Nice to use for a desktop wallpaper. Too bad about the mosquitoes.

Laurissa said...

Wow, those are amazing pictures. Grace says, "I like Marcella in that last picture, she is so cute!"

bentanelle said...

Awesome pictures Jon. Looks like a blast.

Hey I tried to send you an email a couple days ago for your birthday but I must have the wrong one since it came back. Anyway Happy (Belated) Birthday on Friday. Big 28 years old. We are getting old.

Anyway hope summer is treating as well as those pictures show. I wish I could there too! Talk to you later


Cansas said...

Hey there! I have been wondering how you guys are. I found you from Katie's blog, so I hope that's o.k. Jason, Gavin and I are in Logan now and we really love it here, except that we live so far away from family. I stay at home with Gavin and try to stay busy. We are hoping to have more kids, but it just hasn't happened for us yet...so in the meantime I'm just enjoying life with one kid! Anyway it was good to see your face again. I'm going to add you to my blog so I can check in on you guys:)