So how are you doing?
Me: Great!
What have you been up to?
Me: oh just the usual, nothing to exciting
How's Jon liking school?
Me: he is so busy this semester. I am excited for it to be over.
I realized today that I have had that same conversation WAY too many times. I have decided to give a real update on how we are doing and what we do everyday. I will start with the one that keeps me on my toes...
Claire Bear:
She is officially 2 1/2 years old. She is often seen carrying or trying to carry not one or two babies, but at least 3 babies and a couple stuffed animals, preferably a puppy and a kitty, oh and at least one blanket.
Marcella Bella:
Whenever I think about Marcella I think of this picture...
With all of the little projects Marcella makes everyday I started to get overwhelmed with the mess and the stuff that kept piling up. I really didn't want to stifle or hinder her in anyway, but seriously--you can only hang up so many pictures on the fridge. I thought my basket idea was working out nicely. She has a basket that holds all of her creations. Once the basket is full she has to get rid of somethings to make room for anything new that needs to be placed inside. But as I was trying to figure out how to decorate the girls' bedroom it hit me: I can use their entire wall as a place for her to hang up her art. It turned out so cute. I promise to post a picture soon. I just nailed some ribbon across the wall and then made stripes down the middle. We painted and decorated 30-40 clothes pins that hang on the ribbons to hold the papers and viola--a whole wall to display her art. We both LOVE it. After that project I thought about how I need to encourage her to do more. So I have been giving her guided projects to help decorate our very undecorated house. Here is one way we decorated for Spring...
She enjoys really good food. The grilled chicken salad above is the first dinner she ever made on her own. I let her decide what we were having and then she made it. (I only grilled the meat.) She loves to cook and helps in the kitchen for almost every meal.
What a sweet girl! She is very obedient and loving. Jon and I both agree that she literally runs whereever she goes, and that someday she will make an awesome long jumper. I am surprised that she hasn't broken her leg yet. She has a zeal for life that spreads to us all. We sure love you, little one.
Kanien (that's me!)
I have started training for a half marathon that I will be running in June. I have 2 great friends that are running with me, and I am actually really excited about running it. My longest run so far has been four miles, and I felt pretty good when it was done.
I have been making some earrings, and also finally found a pattern that will work well for some material I have had for 3 years, and will be starting a quilt sometime soon.
I just planned out some flower beds for our backyard last week, and I am excited to start digging out grass and making it look more enjoyable out there. I'll also be making room for our vegetable garden, which will mainly have tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and squash.
I have really been enjoying Indiana, once I made it through an Indiana February. Everyone I have talked to says Feb is the worst month here, and I add my vote to that as well, it was awful! To top it off, we're coming off the coldest, longest winter here in eight years. I don't mind snow, but feel it goes best with mountains and skiing--two things we have to do without.
All in all I have some great friends and have been having a great time here.
Jon: aka: professor/student
Jon has been doing an amazing job at keeping up with school, teaching and not making us feel neglected. He says there is always more he should be doing, and for the most part he is pretty busy, but he is good at just being at home when he is home, and it sure makes us feel loved.
He enjoys teaching and has a great group of students this semester. Next fall he will be teaching two sections and taking classes so I have a feeling we will need to enjoy every minute of this summer break, because life is only going to get busier.
Right now he is taking 3 classes and teaching one section of freshman writing. On top of that he still cooks us amazing meals (mostly on the weekends), keeps a watchful eye on our starts for the garden, and helps teaches the 7-8 year old primary class with me on Sunday.
Life couldn't get any better. Well, Jon could be done with school, but all in due time. We are enjoying Indiana and looking forward to spring (and summer, just not the humidity). We have a bunch of visits from family coming up soon and are really excited to see everyone!
Well, if you actually made it this far you are now in for a treat. A sneak peak into the next video I am going to post. (I would have done it sooner, but I just can't find the camera!)
Love you all and have a fabulous day!
It looks like you all are doing very well! Thanks for the great update.
Super fun! I love all the cute pictures. Both girls are looking so much older and I can't believe how long Marcella's hair is! Maybe we should all spend February in Hawaii:) I can't wait till I can come out there and visit.
Thanks for the post Kanien! It is so fun to see how all of you are doing! The girls are so cute and I'm excited to see you this summer!
I'm glad I saw this post (even if it was a month late!). It's good to hear how everyone is doing. I can't believe how old Claire looks. Your post made me nostalgic for when my (older) kids were that age. I have almost the exact same photo of kids sitting in the cupboard and the jumping off the stairs into a pile of blankets in our house in Saginaw. Isn't it fun!
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