The quart jar contains gummy bears. The person who guesses how many are in the jar gets to know the sex of the baby first.
The contest isn't to see if you can guess the sex of the baby. But, if you have any of those "I feel like it's going to be a Boy/Girl" feelings, you might want to post it. Because if you come up to me and say, "I always knew it was gonna be a Boy/Girl," and you didn't post that here, I'll know you're lying.
One guess per person. It's the person closest to the exact number, whether over or under. The winner gets the jar of gummies, unless you live out of state. Then we'll send you a gift certificate so you can go buy some. And if you absolutely HAVE to know right this moment, you can bribe me to tell you, but be creative with your bribes! We'll post the winner, notify the winner, then post the results all tonight before we go to bed.
I think that it is a girl!!! But today I was thinking when I was talking to Terry maybe it is twins. If so I think one of each. But I will get back to you with mine and Camrie's guess.
I think there are 178 and that it is a girl!
I think it is a boy. And my guess is 400.
David thinks it is a boy also. And his guess is 298.
I think that there are 617 and that it's a girl!
Oh my gosh, if it is twins, I will die!!! That would be so awesome!
My guess is 325
Camrie guesses 410
Jason thinks you are having a boy and he thinks there are 297 gummy bears.
Nathan thinks there is 692 and he think that you are having a boy.
Dad thinks you are having a boy also and that there are 847 gummy bears.
I think that you will have a girl and that there are 477 gummy bears.
Carson thinks there are 355 gummy bears and that you are having a boy.
I have no idea what it is going to be but I think there are 481 yummy gummy bears in the jar.
I guess 372.
I think that there are 700 gummie bears in the jar...and that it is a girl. :)
I think that it is a girl, but I hope it is a boy. We need a few more males to keep Hannah in line. My guess is 601! :)
My guess is 245 gummy bears. I'm pretty sure it is a boy.
Dad Wallin
Okay so i came in the house and mim and lizzy were all on the comments and stuff. It was pretty funny. Anyways... i have know idea what to guess. I will guess that there are 712 gummie bears in the jar and i think that they baby is a girl. I am going with Marcella's statistics with the sister. Well jon i am willing to bargin for the gummies so.... Remeber theat huge coupn book and that i well come up and babysit any time EVER!!! For free!!! and i have a dollar ;) Keep the free baby sitting in mind (lizzy is getting mad at me) and i will do it free fot the rest of my life ;) I love you!
Kristin gets to know first. She knows how to bribe with style, no one else offered me a whole dollar!
Laurissa and Greg are the only ones left. Regardless, we'll tell who it is when we get back from the store.
According to Dr. Frink if you take the average size of one gummy bear add 20% more space to account for the air around it and divide that by the size of the jar, 1 quart you will get 334 bears.
I think it is a girl and I think there are 850 gummy bears! Woot Woot!
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