1. The player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves - try to find 6 you haven't already posted about!
2. At the end of the post, the player tags 6 people and posts their names, and then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for the rules.
Ok guys here goes:
1. Something that I only think my family knows about is how obsessed I am with how to wash dishes. It doesn't bother me how anyone else does them, as long as they get done and are clean I am happy. The problem lies when I have to do the dishes, they have to be completely organized. All the plates stacked nicely, the silverware in a pile closest to the sink, cups all together, bowl staked etc. all the way down to the pots and pans, being last. I don't know why, but I seriously can't stand to have anything else in the sink while I am washing, I know it is a crazy habit, but I just can't break it, believe me I have tried.
2. I absolutely love candy. As a matter of fact I went and got a couple pieces to eat while I am typing. Most people can vouch for this. I don't think there has ever been a time in my married life that I haven't had candy somewhere in our house. It is a bad thing to love, and I am going to try to give it up after our New Years Cabin trip. I will let you know if I will have the will power, I am pretty sure I do, but it is hard to give up something you love.
3. I love giving presents. I think it goes along with shopping. If I am buying something for someone else, I don't feel guilty about it, so it not only makes me happy to give something to someone else, it also cures my "need" to consume. I like to give presents that are unexpected. Believe me I love Christmas, and trying to keep everything a secret etc, but I love the everyday presents I can give. There is just something about it, I think I got it from my mom. Every once in a while she would do something nice for us, like make our bed or clean our room and then leave us a little note with our favorite candy. I loved walking into my room and finding it all clean and having a treat to go along with it. It has been fun to be on the giving end and doing the things my mom used to do for me. It sure is fun to surprise someone.
4. I hate to admit this, but this is the next thing I thought of. I am not a big baby lover. Don't get me wrong, I seriously can't wait until Jon and I can have another one, but growing up when other girls wanted to hold all the babies, I wanted to go outside and play Hockey or do something more fun. They still make me a little nervous when they aren't my own, but I will admit they are the sweetest and most wonderful things ever to be placed on this earth. I think part of me is still worried I will break them.
5. I love the laughter of little kids. I think it is so funny to be in a room and then hear Marcella start laughing. I love it when babies start finding their voice as well. It is so much fun to see the excitement in their eyes. Amie's little girl Camrie was here the other night and she was talking like crazy, just trying to get in on the conversation. She was so happy it was adorable. What can I say little kids laughter makes me melt.
6. Here is my final tell all... I have a secret desire to go back to school and get a Masters, maybe even a PHD. I would love to study the role Fathers play in the lives of their children. I am hoping that when Jon gets a teaching position at a University a few years down the road, I might be able to pursue this dream. Hey I might one day be teaching right beside you honey!
7. I just thought of one more to add when I saw this picture. If you don't know who this is, you must not have hung out with me in the past year or so. This is Amie. I met Amie when I worked at America First. She is one of the sweetest people I have ever met. i always tell Jon I am way lucky to have a friend like her. You can't find a lot of friends these days who you call up and say hey come over and they just come over. You don't have to have an agenda, they just come. So I guess my 7th confession is I miss living by Amie. For almost two years I saw her almost everyday. And I loved having them stay for dinner 4 out of 7 times a week. We had so much fun. Now that we live further than up the street from each other it is hard to just "come over", but thanks for still coming Amie. You are awesome. I love hanging out with you!
I now tag Amie, Jacci, Debbie, Nan, Grandma Dougal, Whitney
I can attest to the dishwashing thing - I've always thought it funny that you have to do that. The candy thing I think you got from me - I shouldn't have bought so much candy over the years! Your baby loving thing probably stems from all the times you had to help me out with babysitting. I'm glad that you love giving presents - it's fun to see the reactions and suprise of those that you give presents to. Amie has been a really good friend to you and so has Cameron - you were lucky to find them but you and Jon are good friends to them too and they are lucky to have found you! I hope that you can always be friends and find more friends in Orem!
You are so sweet!! I miss you also!! But your mom is right that you guys have been so good to us, I don't know what I would have done with out you several times.
That is sweet Kanien. I love Candy too.
Sorry that last comment was from me. Caroline was on the computer checking blogs I guess. Well I like your tag Kanien Thanks for doing it I am still trying to get mom to do it too. I think she will if she ever gets the time
I empathize about no dishes in the sink. If anyone ever puts dishes in the sink while I am washing them I hate it. You do love to give gifts . . . generosity is such a good trait. I need to practice it more. Good luck on your Masters/PhD. I'm sure you'll accomplish it!
Great pics, great blog. Great family.
I loved reading this. You are the best!
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