I'm pretty interested in High-Definition media. I love movies and watching movies and going to the theater, and having an HD home theater would be cool (Come on Dad...finish that basement!!!) ;) My video editing software can output true HD, but I don't have an HD video camera, so I can't make any true HD video. I do have a still camera that can capture images far above HD resolution (I'm sure most of you do, too, as even the highest resolution HDTVs are just over 2 megapixels), so I can make HD photo montages. I made some solely for my own (and Kanien's) enjoyment, but thought I'd post it here because some of you might be interested in stuff like this, too.
This one is done in what's called 720p, which is 1/2 of true HD resolution, but most of your computers
should be able to run it. If your machine is less than two years old, it should. If it's older than that, don't even bother downloading the file because it's big (135MB), short (2 minutes), and will be a huge chopfest.
Most computer monitors
are capable of displaying 720p, its just your graphics cards that can't. I did a
1080p video as well, but the resolution is bigger than your monitor, so it won't look any better than the 720p file. You can still download it if you want, but it's big (180MB), so I wouldn't. Anyway, you can try to watch it then say, "Uh....it doesn't look any different to me..." because I'm sure that's what you're all dying to do! Click the picture to download the video (or right-click and select "save target as...").